
Citations du DNA


  • Le turban du Sultan

    (The sultan’s turban)

    It is getting increasingly hot in the Sahara, the land of legends. The turban, that the Sultan lost, offers its shadow and coolness to the thirsty desert animals, the gazelle, the scorpion, the falcon and even the zebra, that have strayed far from home. A strong wind brings them into a wonderful garden.

     Album : 30 pages

    Publisher : Callicéphale

    Collection : ALBUM and KAMISHIBAÏ

  • L’arbre des mots

    (The tree of words)


    “I’m the wanderer, the merchant of happiness”


    These words run through my head. Their fragrance fills the space and enters my nostrils. It covers my body ... 


    Publisher : P’tit Pois Éditions


    500 limited edition copies

  • Rasham, le Prince du Royaume des palmiers nains

    (Rasham, Prince of the Kingdom of the miniature palm trees)


    “His body is sprinkled with stars. A slow paced music grazes his skin. Soft words tell of his night and of his dreams ... ”


    Publisher : P’tit Pois Éditions 


    Limited edition

  • Terres lointaines

    (Distant lands)


    “He watches for the light, which will give the starting notes of the legend of Queen Asrah ...”


    Publisher : P’tit Pois Éditions

    Limited edition

  • La corniche des Anges

    (The cornice of the Angels)


    "The light splits and fills in the cobblestones of the Cathedral Square. It enhances the bluish hues and gives the yellows a golden tinge. It lodges the stones. 


    Publisher : P’tit Pois Éditions


    Limited edition


  • La nuit

    (The night)


    “The night. The silence of the night covers the dark, thick city ... The light twinkles to stand up to the missing sky ... Sad out of loneliness ...”


     Publisher : P’tit Pois Éditions


     Limited edition

  • Livre du Silence

    (Book of Silence)


    “The light extends its rays and inscribes on the memory stone. It writes sentences on its back. The story of the down traveler...”


     Publisher : P’tit Pois Éditions


    Limited edition

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